
"UpChuckle's Joke Archives"

"Here are my jokes, folks. Grabba java, heating
pad or whatever makes you happy, and make yourself
comfy. Enjoy yourself, and have an UpChuckle on me!!"
(hmmmm....that doesn't sound quite right, now does it? *S*)

*Age, - Older & Wiser?*Animals*Answering Machine Messages
*Bill Gates*More Blonde Jokes*Bumper Stickers
*Clinton/Lewinsky*Computers..ahh,yes!*Dan Quayle Quotes
*For The Men*For The Women*Fun In An Elevator
*Funny Signs*Internet Addiction*Kids Say The....
*Marriage..[A bad word?]*Millenium Jokes*Parenting Tips
*PC Viruses*Random Jokes #1*Random Jokes #2
*Random Jokes #3*Random Jokes #4*Random Jokes #5
*Random Jokes #6*Random Jokes #7*Random Jokes #8
*Random Jokes #9*Reserved*Resume Quips
*School Happenings*Sexy Wavs *Sports Jokes
*The Doctor's Office*Trivia*Wild & Whacky Toons
*Work and Bosses*Work In General*Yipes!! "It's Sexual"
"Last Update 5/12/99."

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